Coats of Arms Concin Prague 1608
Owner of Niederperwarth Castle
Baron Christoph von Concin: owned from 1549 to 1589
(only son of Anton von Concin Herr zu Droß and and Wocking was Emperor Ferdinand I Council of the Regiment 1540) von Concin Herr zu Droß, Wocking, Wildenstein and Perwarth receives some Zinzendorf fiefdoms in the Steinakirchner parish in 1549 from Herr Stephan von Zinzendorf and Pottendorf - mated with Maria Salome von Rosseck . The marriage resulted in 6 children, three sons and three daughters. Johann Ehrenreich, Johann Christoph and Ferdinand , each of whom reproduced the male line of his gender.
Ferdinand Freiherr von Concin born 1552 died 1612 (Roman Catholic) owned from 1589 to 1612
Freiherr zu Weissenburg an der Pielach, Herr zu Peerwart, Weixelbach, Strannersdorf and Walthersdorf the youngest son of Christoph von Concin and Maria Salome von Rosseck.
AT-OeStA / AVA Adel RAA 69.13 Title: Concin, Ferdinand Freiherr von, Imperial Councilor and Knight, then Johann Volkhard, Johann Ulrich, and Georg Christoph, brothers and cousins, confirmation and improvement of their baronial coat of arms, through union with that of the ancient noble family that of Rossegg Date of origin: April 24th, 1608
Date of award: April 24, 1608
Place of issue: Prague
Level: Act (collective file, basic number, bundle, dossier, file) see coat of arms above!
Christoph von Concin takes over the rule of Peerwart. All of the Barons von Concin were introduced to the gentry on February 4th, 1613. Owned from 1613 to?
Gottfried Wilhelm Graf von Rheinstein and Tattenbach born 1633 died 1687 ; Oberjäger and Oberststallmeister, the title “Graf v. Rheinstein “(Regenstein im Harz) awarded; Possession of? until ?
Tattenbach (noble family) (
Tattenbach, noble family - Historical Lexicon of Bavaria (
Maria Johanna Freiin von Fels, née Henes; Possession 1635 by marriage Cornelius Colonna von Fels (died Jan. 5, 1664); Owned from 1635 to 1664
Karl Leopold Count Zinzendorf; Possession of? until ?
Ernst Ferdinand von Auersperg born February 20, 1700 died 1763/64 - High Commissioner in the district above the Vienna Woods; Owned from 1727 to 1739
Josef Anton von Auersperg born in Vienna August 6th, 1741 died Wolfpassing March 18th, 1822
Emperor Franz I 1834 Establishment deed for the Falkenstein'schen Fideikommiss (1849) | The private library of Emperor Franz I of Austria (
As the property of the Habsburgs, the castle passed into the possession of the Republic of Austria in 1918
Digital Library - Munich Digitization Center (
˜Derœ Ötscher and his area (1860) - Bavarian State Library (